Wednesday, January 12, 2011

White Christian Male

I identify as a Protestant Christian. However, I don’t always practice my faith to the strongest level. Is in other words, I’m almost accepted into both categories of the dominant faith and the oppressed group. I’m part of dominant faith so I receive all of the extra treatment that someone who’s Christian, let alone a white, male, Christian gets. I’m lucky I’m part of a dominant faith, but I shouldn’t have to be lucky. People should accept other people’s faiths and not classify them as a bad person just because they don’t have the same faith as you do.
            One issue I think goes on when we talk about religion is that no one wants to answer. Like Schlosser said in his article, people always say, “no preference” or “I prefer not to answer”. If people can’t talk about it, we can’t fix it and grow.
            I experience privilege because I’m that white male, protestant Christian, middle class person so I get all the privilege from all of those classifications. Like in the article, I have the opportunity to flaunt my religion for the whole world to see without having to worry whether or not I’m going to be patronized for it. If I was of the Islam religion, I’d be worried because people don’t understand their religion an attack them for their beliefs. One of the things that Schlosser’s article really stuck out to me was the “I can put “Jesus is Lord” bumper sticker on my car and not have to worry about someone vandalizing my car”. This struck me because it’s unfortunately completely true in our society. If someone of a different faith put anything on their car, there’s a big chance someone would vandalize their car because they aren’t “normal” or “of the right religion”. Religion is a big issue in our society and it’s something that really needs to be addressed. 


  1. I agree with you, you shouldn't have to feel lucky about being a part of your religious group. People should accept other people's faiths and not classify them as a bad person and it is sad that it actually happens. I'm also not sure I completely agree with Schlosser's comment that religious bumper stickers are accepted because I have been around others on more than one occasion (sadly) that have made comments about those bumper stickers. Some of them are not bad comments but some of them are not that great either. I do my part in making sure I remind those who look at those bumper stickers as being wrong that it's not their choice and the person that put that bumper sticker on their car put it there for a reason because that is what they believe in. The whole situation regarding religion is just sad.

  2. I agree that people should not judge others because they are of different religions than yourself. I think that every religion teach's that you should treat others with respect. In order to truly be a religious person it means respecting other religions than your own.

  3. Its true, it is easier for people of christian privilege to flaunt their religion because they don't have to worry about being patronized for it. I agree that the reason we cannot fix religious oppression is when people refuse to talk about it. It is definitely is an area that needs more growth and change and less judgment.
