Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You're too old

   In my estimation, ageism is caused from the mentality of society today. Young people are much more “mature” today and they assume anyone over 45 is losing their mind. I definitely am NOT ageist. I know this because I’ve lived through many types of ageism. Like in the video “Too old to work”, my father has gone through everything they talked about. My father, who’s 56, has been ridiculed and told he was “too experienced and would be bored” many, many times. He’s had loads and loads and loads of experience but because he isn’t fresh out of his bachelor’s degree (even though he has two masters), he’s not good enough or how they put it “too good”.
   This ‘-ism’ is talked about so much because we as a society think people who are older can’t do anything. In Japan, people who are older are respected as elders and are much wiser. In America, we just assume they lost their mind and are useless which isn’t true. My father is one of the brightest people I know, and he’s an excellent worker. He’s patented many of his inventions and has been awarded by the country, yet because of this he’s too good for the job? It just doesn’t make sense to me sometimes. 


  1. I like how you brought in the fact that in most cultures they treat the elderly a lot different than us.

  2. That's true - other countries/cultures do treat older people in a more respectful manner than we do. I mean we do have nursing homes for the elderly instead of taking care of them ourselves in our own homes or something like that.

    In one of the videos, I can't remember which one, but this woman mentioned that older people are viewed as being very wise when, in fact, she had met some older people that weren't too smart.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your father. It's such a shame :(

    PS -- I really don't understand the "too experienced" thing....that doesn't really make that much sense.....

  3. I was shocked when I watched the clip 'too old to work'. It's so unfortunate that our society perpetuates this mentality that old people are less of a person just because of their age. I feel like people need to talk about this 'ism' more often to stop the cycle.

  4. My mother had the same problem, she is essentially retired at 59 because there is just no way in this market, at her age she will get a job. She hasn't even had a single call back. Thankfully the extension of unemployment has kept her from tapping her retirement account.

  5. I agree with you all it doesn't make any sense to just say too qualified to work. It is like telling them all they know "experience" is just outdated and not required any more.
